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who_cares973 01-31-2012 11:06 AM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)

Originally Posted by TheSaxRunner05 (Post 3628270)
can I send the updated file?

not yet

bmah 01-31-2012 11:07 AM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)

Originally Posted by _.Spitfire._ (Post 3628151)
what I don't agree with is the point of hand usage. Imo the hands work perfect as climax theory for this file and I've noticed in your past reviews that you're really biased against hands.

Not at all. I'm biased against the lack of diversity created as a result of stepping a lot of hands. When a lot of hands are stepped, there's only so much you can do to create a variety of patterns, and the end result is something blocky and pattern-restricted (e.g. [124]3[124]3[124]).

@sticklydude (since you apparently removed your comment wall): start with looking at the reviews on your file: http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/...d.php?t=114965

PrawnSkunk 01-31-2012 11:28 AM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)
So from what I understand, 7/7/7's are moved to the conditional queue, and everything under is rejected, no? not sure about the cutoff, or if this is even the final score..

bmah 01-31-2012 11:39 AM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)
The cutoff isn't going to be the same for every batch, so you can't say for sure. If for instance the overall average was crappy in a given batch, the cutoff line will certainly be lower than a near-perfect batch. It's no different than bell-curved grading; if the class average was 80% and you get a 78%, well 78% is by itself decent, but is barely average since everyone performed well. The cutoff is therefore higher. 78% will likely only give you a B. Obviously, this won't be the same every time.

rushyrulz 01-31-2012 12:28 PM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)
While we're complaining about reviews I only have one problem that also seems to be the trend here.


Originally Posted by iironiic
{Evolution} Out Stage – 7/10 (rushyrulz)
Some of the patterns are too generic. I think you can spice the 123412341234 rolls just so slightly to make this file a little more enjoyable to play! Nice work though!

My response: Define "too generic" If you're referring to it being primarily a jumpstream section song, that's the kind of file I like to play and I wish there were more of, that's not what I would consider generic. If files are getting downgraded because of this, it's no wonder practically all the new files in-game are unicorn barf (rainbows).

Regarding the "spice up the 12341234 rolls comment, I have no idea what you mean. The rolls at the end change direction in the middle to accommodate for the perfect PR. I could understand why you would say to spice up the section if it were just a straight up 32nd roll the entire time, but it's spiced up enough and I wouldn't want to overseason it. This section actually got praised in bmah's notes.


Originally Posted by bmah
- nice PR with the 32nds at the end

side note: Thanks bmah for the constructive batch notes, changes have been implemented.

ninjaKIWI 01-31-2012 01:10 PM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)
Placing my notes here for easy retrieval.


Originally Posted by bmah
Gruntilda's Lair / ninjaKIWI
rating: 7/10 [+.]
- 11.75s, etc.: throughout the song, the small groups of 24ths are misrhythms; there are actually four notes in each of those groups, so listen for them again
- 41.44s: missed the usual burst here
- Summary: Short, simple song with good, simple steps. Since there's not a lot to be stepped, generalizing the bursts into those 24ths stood out a bit more.

I Love (Orange Things) / ninjaKIWI
rating: 8/10 [+]
- 12.89s, etc.: if you listen closely, the bassy synth melody doesn't actually require any jacks
- 21.85s: don't hear the 64th
- 22.64s: missed the 16th
- the 32nd patterns flow pretty well and fits the music perfectly
- 85.55s: a 24th roll instead of a trill feels a lot better
- 89.84s: ghost jump
- ending made me laugh for some reason
- Summary: Just a few small things to fix. Awesome file that plays quite crisply.


Originally Posted by Niala
Gruntilda's Lair
Those 24th trills were the cutest thing ever. Really enjoyable, and the length is appropriate for the song being repetitive in nature. If I were to make a suggestion, I'd say change the early 24th bursts to match the timing more accurately, but I both understand and somewhat agree with the choice anyway. [+] 9/10

I Love (Orange Things)
I indeed love orange things. [+] 9/10


Originally Posted by iironiic
Gruntilda’s Lair – 8/10 (ninjaKIWI)
Good easy file! Boring for me though but I’m sure it would be interesting to someone else!

I Love (Orange Things) – 7/10 (ninjaKIWI)
Some of your pattern choices can be improved so that the file has more fun than technicality. Not a bad file though!


Originally Posted by Carlos
Mutant Sixty Four (ninjaKIWI) - looks like you fixed everything. some repetitiveness is still there but nothing that repeats for too long [7/10]

Phalanx (ninjaKIWI) - file needs 2 seconds of silence. some of the 32nd bursts are awkward to hit but fun file [8/10]

Princess Lolitits (ninjaKIWI) - 2 sec of silence needed. that was really fun [8/10]


Originally Posted by Samurai
Mutant Sixty Four (ninjaKIWI)

5/10 - strong [+?]

- nice touch of PR, I love it
- 55.129s, I would have kept the flow of the 16th mini jacks going, this specific part kind of bothers me a bit
- 65.373s, missing 16th note after the [34] 8th note jump
- 95.233s, missing 32nd note after the 16th note
- still very minor issues, needs a fix, but not a bad file overall.

Phalanx (ninjaKIWI)

8/10 - weak [+]

- amazing song choice imo
- the flow of the patterns was really nice
- I like this file, played it twice because it was fun

Princess Lolitits (ninjaKIWI)

9/10 - strong [+]

- the pattern usage in this short and easy file just feel...imo, nearly flawless, well done


Originally Posted by Komsar
[Resubmission] Mutant Sixty Four (6/10)

-some of the 32nd patterns could be re-arranged a little to flow better
-rhythm wise file seems good. I'd suggest trying to make the patterns a little simpler.

Phalanx (4/10)

-right off the bat, I could ask to improve the 32nd patterns at measure 2. This sort of looks like a mess to hit.
-m12 there seems to be a lot of sounds missed.
-m20 before your hands, there's a single note that could be placed before each one
-m24 since you're following all the buzzing sounds, this part seems quite empty with what's being offered
-m25 after the 5th 16th note, there should be a 4th note for the drum
-m26 missed some 24ths (actually missed the 4th note entirely that leads to the audible 24ths)
-lots of rhythms seem unclear in this file. needs a lot of revision.

Princess Lolitits (7/10)

-m28 perhaps switch the patterns around a little. having notes on the 3rd column like that sort of kills the measure
-short file, but I love it. Very chill, consistent and clear layering. good job


Originally Posted by kjwkjw
Mutant Sixty Four (ninjaKIWI) [+.] (6/10)
- Nothing technically wrong. Not sure if I like it as a player.
- Could use some pattern variation in sections such as m. 33~35. You don't have to follow PR that strictly as long as the chart makes sense while you're playing.
- m. 37~44 - chart gets a bit hard to follow with all those jumps mixed in between little 32nd patterns; could use them just on accented beats rather than layering the melody right on top. Just a suggestion.

Phalanx (ninjaKIWI) [+.] (7/10)
- I heard Yoshi noises, lol
- Beginning 32nd patterns are a bit nasty. m. 8 feels strange because the sounds are a bit iffy. Could simplify it to something like three jumps on beats 28.00, 28.75, and 29.50, with two 32nd notes before the second and third jumps.
- While you're at it, you could also try to simplify the patterns for the parts before that by taking out notes that go to uncertain sounds (for instance, m. 6 - take out 32nds on beats 23.125 and 23.375. You could also fiddle around with the pattern itself.)
- Plays fine otherwise.

Princess Lolitits (ninjaKIWI) [+] (8/10)
- Nice song title ._.
- Solid chart here; flows very nicely and is cool to play.


Originally Posted by megamon
Phalanx (ninjaKIWI) [7/10]
-missed some 32nds at b28.5 and 28.625, 94.5
-missed some grace notes from m18 to 23
- a lot of your 24th/32nd runs go to sounds with no discernable rhythm - I guess they're ok to treat as buzz sounds though
-fun file, some hard to hit patterns though

Princess Lolitits (ninjaKIWI) [8/10]
-beginning notes are offsync - since the song is basically in 9/8 time signature, you would need to have 9 quantized beats between your quarter and eighth note and have notes on beats 0, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9 - instead, you have 15 quantized beats, and have notes on 0, 5, 8, 10, 13, and 15. When you compare the fractions (5/9 and 8/15; 8/9 and 13/15), you can see they're slightly offsync from each other. So, you should just make that part of the song 133.3 like the rest.
-great file otherwise, the steps represent the song very well (esp. 24th runs)

[Resubmission] Mutant Sixty Four (ninjaKIWI) [7/10]
-m4 to 11 you could layer in the bg synth
-b90.75 missing a note
-missing some 16ths in m39
-missing 32nds before b164, 175, 180, 186.5, 196
-pretty cool file


Grunty's - 7, 9, 8

Orange - 8, 9, 7

Mutant - 7, 5, 6, 6, 7

Phalanx - 8, 8, 4, 7, 8

Princess Lolitits - 8, 9, 7, 8, 7

Elite Ninja 01-31-2012 01:14 PM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)

Originally Posted by rushyrulz (Post 3628320)
While we're complaining about reviews I only have one problem that also seems to be the trend here.

My response: Define "too generic" If you're referring to it being primarily a jumpstream section song, that's the kind of file I like to play and I wish there were more of, that's not what I would consider generic. If files are getting downgraded because of this, it's no wonder practically all the new files in-game are unicorn barf (rainbows).

omg you don't know how much I agree with this. Forever jumpstream <3

I'll look at the batch notes when I get home and work on stuff.

Nullifidian 01-31-2012 01:23 PM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)

Originally Posted by bmah (Post 3628283)
Not at all. I'm biased against the lack of diversity created as a result of stepping a lot of hands. When a lot of hands are stepped, there's only so much you can do to create a variety of patterns, and the end result is something blocky and pattern-restricted (e.g. [124]3[124]3[124]).

While I agree it limits pattern variety to an extent, I don't see this as a problem. The hands I used flow well, make for enough diversity in the climax and many of the players that tested this file really enjoyed them. I don't see why they should be changed.
Either way, I want to appeal the reviews for I Say No and get a second opinion.

bmah 01-31-2012 01:38 PM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)
Uhh, that's way too early to say. We're still trying to find another reviewer for group A, and the scores have yet to be standardized. No need to jump the gun.

championanwar 01-31-2012 01:45 PM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)

Nullifidian 01-31-2012 01:59 PM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)
o oops I thought these were final. Still though, I don't agree with the reviews that are already posted for I Say No.

i love you 01-31-2012 02:11 PM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)

Originally Posted by bmah (Post 3628342)
We're still trying to find another reviewer for group A, and the scores have yet to be standardized.

As much as I hate to say this, if you guys can not find another reviewer, I will be willing to review for group A. Just send me the batch files by PM so I can get started. It wont take me long.

Choofers 01-31-2012 02:19 PM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)

Originally Posted by bmah (Post 3628342)
Uhh, that's way too early to say. We're still trying to find another reviewer for group A, and the scores have yet to be standardized. No need to jump the gun.

hello there.

Ziergdsx18 01-31-2012 02:27 PM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)

Originally Posted by bmah (Post 3628342)
Uhh, that's way too early to say. We're still trying to find another reviewer for group A, and the scores have yet to be standardized. No need to jump the gun.


Ive never reviewed a huge amount of files before but hey, theres always a first time for everything amirite?

just letting ya know i can help

Elite Ninja 01-31-2012 04:10 PM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)
CS Custom Gun Sounds [7,7,6]
-im already fixing some stuff (adding some jacks, and fixing the empty ending)

Electric Obsession [Resubmission] [8,7,8]
- well it did better this time atleast

Enchanting Venus [7,4,7]
- I realized how bad it was after I submitted it into the batch so I was not expecting good scores for this one at all XD, but atleast I get some helpful input for it and can use it as a resub for next batch!

Universe In Mother Earth [8, 6, 6, 7, 6]
- I'll get into fixing this

MarioNintendo 01-31-2012 04:21 PM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)

Originally Posted by Ziergdsx18 (Post 3628356)

Ive never reviewed a huge amount of files before but hey, theres always a first time for everything amirite?

just letting ya know i can help

Don't forget that there are still backup judges in store for this kind of events. ;) At least, I think...

Coolboyrulez0 01-31-2012 04:24 PM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)
For future reference:

Blast Off [3, 5, 6]
too much h9. bet the sm crowd wouldve loved this file; not fixing.

RabuRabu [5, 5, 5, 6, 6,]
Totally agreeable, gonna fix up inconsistencies etc. and resend.

Punch You [Other one wins :<]

Remember 15 Years Ago v2 [7, 8, 4, 7, 7]

If this doesn't get accepted I'm gonna throw a ****ing fit. The 4 judge is absolutely incorrect and should be discarded as extreme polar outlier, kthx.

sticklydude 01-31-2012 04:39 PM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)

Originally Posted by wc
Punch You (Sticklydude) - 16th jump at 43.713 should just be a single note. at 67.623 it should be an 8th note. at 73.320 it should be a 48th. you should add a note at 78.519 for that last little noise. [7/10]

Did these, but the 48th just doesn't line up for me so it makes me feel iffy. Since someone else said it looked off, I'll give it to you.


Originally Posted by samurai7694
Punch You (Sticklydude)

6/10 - weak [+.] [<]

- random 16th jump at 34.713?
- not sure about the colored notes at the end, 12th note seems off to me
- this came close to CBR's version, I liked this one a lot but it had a few errors, nice job though.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, I did not see that 16th jump. Total screw up for me.


Originally Posted by kjw
Punch You (Sticklydude) [+.] (6/10)
- See the first line of the above note for overall thoughts
- You decided to step the rather faint 16ths for the parts before the long jumpstream, which made the file more balanced in terms of difficulty. Not quite sure if it's more fun, though.
- m. 31 - missing a jump on beat 123.00 (you did put a jump for the sound before, on m. 29)
- m. 34 - change up the pattern here a little bit, maybe?
- m. 35 - beat 139.00, same thing here. Might have to fiddle with the pattern a bit.
- m. 47~52 - Like how you changed your layering.
- Ending the file a measure later will probably make it less weird on FFR.

Is there any way I can view measures in ddream? The beat thing isn't really working for me either cause I do have a jump on beat 123 :\

oh wow. Looking through it again, I never realized how many mistakes I had.

Coolboyrulez0 01-31-2012 04:48 PM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)

Originally Posted by sticklydude (Post 3628410)
Did these, but the 48th just doesn't line up for me so it makes me feel iffy. Since someone else said it looked off, I'll give it to you.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, I did not see that 16th jump. Total screw up for me.

Is there any way I can view measures in ddream? The beat thing isn't really working for me either cause I do have a jump on beat 123 :\

oh wow. Looking through it again, I never realized how many mistakes I had.

tbh judges liked yours more just because they suck at jumpstream
i made the jumpstream perfectly easy. sorry you cant hit 200 bpm stream to those said its awkward because its not. I made SURE it flows well and is not repetitive.

seriously, i take pride in my js patterns and will gladly make a video of me MAing / PAing said jumpstream.

Overall notes are pretty decent though this time.

sticklydude 01-31-2012 04:55 PM

Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)

Originally Posted by Coolboyrulez0 (Post 3628415)
tbh judges liked yours more just because they suck at jumpstream

harsh )':

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