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Arch0wl 08-11-2011 11:26 AM

Re: League of Legends
You actually don't need to get to level 30 -- just quit co op vs AI for a bit and play normals. Once your W/L ratio goes up more, you'll start seeing smurfs or ex-DotA/HoN players who have a good understanding of the mechanics.

Reach 08-11-2011 11:30 AM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by Arch0wl (Post 3519813)
You actually don't need to get to level 30 -- just quit co op vs AI for a bit and play normals. Once your W/L ratio goes up more, you'll start seeing smurfs or ex-DotA/HoN players who have a good understanding of the mechanics.

That's the plan. Haven't co op'd in awhile other than to get the daily/try new champs (though, I wish many of these players would ;) There's no way they could beat the intermediate bots)

hi19hi19 08-11-2011 11:59 AM

Re: League of Legends
I -hate- solo queue. Queue with people you know who are on vent or don't play LoL at all.

In other news I finally got level 10 and get Clairvoyance, now I can play support without looking like a total retard :D

Sona is really fun endgame. Just QWE QWE QWE QWE so you can put all your focus into good positioning and getting a good ult (which I still suck at but hey, I'm learning)

stargroup100 08-11-2011 12:17 PM

Re: League of Legends
you guys should remember that

1. not everyone is as smart as us
2. not everyone knows how the game works at that level, and therefore don't understand concepts such as teamplay or composition or farming
3. not everyone cares about a high level game like you guys do

in a strategy game, the objective is to counter the opponent's strategy. just because something works in high level play, doesn't mean it'll work in low level play. we all know this. so why are you surprised at that kind of play in solo queue?

when you go into solo queue, just focus on 3 things:
1. how to perform well as in individual
2. learn when to help your teammates and when not to
3. learn how to gently lead your team

this is how you carry people in solo queue ranked anyways. eventually, if you do this enough you'll reach a point where your normal elo will put you in higher level games anyways

it all comes down to an understanding of not only the game, but how other people play the game as well. you guys learn fast/have experience/etc so you know how the game works to a basic degree, but it's even more important to remember that your play needs to change based on how everyone else is playing

WTFBrandon 08-11-2011 12:22 PM

Re: League of Legends
Reach, play with me. I've been looking for a serious player because same stuff happens to me. Don't have a 30 yet either so it will be easy. Been playing for a while now and know how to play with plenty of characters. I'm sure we can easily find a third if you want for 3v3 if not we can just solo a lane in 5v5 and pray the other 3 don't suck... Unless someone wants to play wit us?
It gets super annoying seeing your team constantly running out and you having to run down to help them out. Or when you ask for help they keep going solo and don't say anything.

Also, if anybody has any characters that aren't noob friendly, looking fir a new char to use who is a little more advanced that requires more thinking rather than rush rush rush. Can be any type of char.

Reach 08-11-2011 02:16 PM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by stargroup100 (Post 3519854)
you guys should remember that

most people are bad

I am slowly realizing all of this; it doesn't make it any less annoying though :P

I'm not even good. I'm pretty mediocre TBH. I guess I just have relatively good game sense, which isn't something I developed playing LoL...I already had it. Many players however, do not have it.

In other news, Brand is very, very strong. I might buy him in the future so I have an AP carry.

edit: can anyone describe to me the current 3v3 meta and general strategy? I haven't played any 3v3s vs people yet, but am interested.

Also, are there any notable champions that are good to start with? I would imagine Ashe being horrible in 3v3 whereas someone like Mordekaiser probably es #1. I'm thinking Alistar might dominate in 3v3, so I could try him.

edit2: http://i.imgur.com/tFU6A.png

it's shit like this D: I call mid, GP immediately takes it in game and won't leave, proceeds to go 0/4 in the first few minutes against teemo because 'OMG HE GOES INVISIBLE!' and is unimaginably bad (wastes ult on creeps, then decides to try to dive teemo), switches with veigar, who too goes 0/4. I offer to take twice and get rejected. Team keeps feeding, despite my hawk shots revealing teemo in the *most utterly obviously places imaginable* and they keep feeding.

We won the two team fights easily because I crushed them, but everyone decided to surrender before I was maxed >_>

hi19hi19 08-12-2011 01:40 AM

Re: League of Legends
The most fed Teemo ever lollllll

apparently the 3v3 meta is pick tanky dps with sustain = win. So i'd imagine alistar is a good bet.
not too sure though because i've only played one 3v3 match and i, as usual, went support (taric) and it was kinda lame. Not enough stuff happening for my tastes

p.s. reach u should play a game with me i support you rong tiem

stargroup100 08-12-2011 11:06 AM

Re: League of Legends
in 5v5 fights, the objective is to protect the carry which has enough damage output to tear apart the whole team if given the opportunity. the drawback is that this carry is extremely squishy and dies to focus instantly.

in 3v3 fights, you would only have 2 champions to protect your carry, as opposed to 4, which means there is much, much less peel to protect your allies with. because of this, you want to pick a champion that is good at not only dealing damage, but shrugging off other damage and cc and overall just being able to dive straight into an entire team

also, because there's only 3 champions in play, snowballing hard to a victory is extremely important. any champion that can farm up and gain exp fast will definitely have a distinct advantage. jungle control is even more important right off the bat because the laning phase is essentially fused into the fighting phase


the champs I like for 3v3 personally:
singed: ult gives retarded regen and you can't run from it but you can't fight him either. hardly ever dies and has crazy strong map control. farms like a beast too
mundo: isn't great in 5v5 because he doesn't offer much as part of a team comp, but with less champions in the equation, his health regen is quite overpowered and people underestimate his damage output
trynd: need I say more? already a hyper carry but with so little peel on the enemy team he has free reign to get in a fight and output damage

Reach 08-14-2011 06:34 PM

Re: League of Legends

singed: ult gives retarded regen and you can't run from it but you can't fight him either. hardly ever dies and has crazy strong map control. farms like a beast too
This. God damn, I basically haven't even died on this map yet and wins have been pretty easy. After ~11 or so and you have a rod of ages, you really should not chase singed.

He's incredibly annoying, and the other team gets fed up pretty frequently and they try to triple team me while I'm doing a solo duo push. Every time, I pop my ult and poison, ghost, adhesive, and they completely overcommit to trying to kill me and by the time they realize that they shouldn't chase singed, we ace them and it's gg...

I've been going: Sapphire+2pots to start, boots (ninjas?), catalyst, ROA, Rylias, Force of Nature...and then whatever (when a game wouldn't end I went Thornmail and Banshee's and was unkillable 3v1. Darting in and out through the jungle like a retard with the occasional toss and adhesive caused more damage to them than me).

Is that good?

All_That_Chaz 08-14-2011 07:11 PM

Re: League of Legends
I see a lot of Singeds go with Warmog's. I've never tried him myself.

Reach 08-14-2011 09:36 PM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by All_That_Chaz (Post 3521620)
I see a lot of Singeds go with Warmog's. I've never tried him myself.

I can see that being viable I suppose, since it would give him a retarded amount of health. As it is, he has so much to the point that he's unkillable though.

He's quite fun. I would recommend if you're looking for something different, since you don't do a lot of attacking as singed. It's mostly harassing and pushing, since you're mostly just running through people or tossing someone and running away. He also punishes badly anyone impatient or inexperienced with him.

Xx DarkLink xX 08-14-2011 09:41 PM

Re: League of Legends
Anyone want to play?

Add me in-game, OMFJesus

vantilburg 08-14-2011 09:54 PM

Re: League of Legends
Singed is probably one of the funnest champions to play. Basically go into IDGAF mode and run into their entire team, throwing their carries around like ragdolls. I like to spam x (a macro I made for laughing) while I'm doing it, or while I'm taking down turrets.

Also, my summoner name is Struggle Buggy. I hit level 30 a couple weeks ago.

bluguerrilla 08-15-2011 05:31 PM

Re: League of Legends
Better to avoid Warmog's and get more mana to exploit his passive.

-paexaea- 08-15-2011 06:36 PM

Re: League of Legends
frozen heaaaaart for the mfnwin

stargroup100 08-15-2011 07:00 PM

Re: League of Legends
that build is already pretty darn strong

warmog's is very very situational on singed. don't bother

MinaciousGrace 08-18-2011 09:34 AM

Re: League of Legends
is there a new vent up yet cuz im pretty much playing on a new smurf every time i log in and its a pain in the ass to keep track of people (and vice versa)

otherwise ima just start adding people on each of my new smurfs until someone plays with me huehuehue

if someone named derpythe4xth adds you thats probably me

Hurleyisgod 08-18-2011 10:12 AM

Re: League of Legends
i play on a vent server with some friends, if you guys want to come on it. just add me on lol if you already havent, and when you wanna play ill send you the pass and stuff. It's not a ffr or kbo only server but it works :P

stargroup100 08-18-2011 12:52 PM

Re: League of Legends
I frequent the OD vent server

I don't think they really mind having a few people drop in occasionally to play games

just hit me up whenever you wanna play a game YOU NEVER INVITE ME T_T

wargasm1 08-18-2011 01:45 PM

Re: League of Legends
wargasm1 - Young Theb
you can add me :P

Reach 08-18-2011 02:01 PM

Re: League of Legends

Dominion looks so sexy. Can't wait.

FFR4EVA_00 08-18-2011 06:08 PM

Re: League of Legends
dominion is going to completely destroy the community for about a month
they simply will not be able to handle it

hi19hi19 08-18-2011 06:19 PM

Re: League of Legends
Either Dominion is going to be the new "official" LoL (which Riot seems to really be pushing for?) or it will become another 3v3 nobody-cares-subcommunity within a week.

Either way drama

FFR4EVA_00 08-18-2011 06:42 PM

Re: League of Legends
3v3 was never good anyway

FFRGreen 08-19-2011 12:21 AM

Re: League of Legends
I personally like 3v3s better I don't have the skills for 5v5

stargroup100 08-19-2011 12:40 AM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by ffrgreen (Post 3523640)
i personally like 3v3s better i don't have the skills for 5v5





phe0nixblade 08-19-2011 12:51 AM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by FFRGreen (Post 3523640)
I personally like 3v3s better I don't have the skills for 5v5

how in the **** can you stand typing like that

phe0nixblade 08-19-2011 12:51 AM

Re: League of Legends
i mean seriously, shits ridiculous

phe0nixblade 08-19-2011 12:51 AM

Re: League of Legends
god damn that pisses me off and i dont know why

-paexaea- 08-19-2011 01:15 AM

Re: League of Legends
Yeah 3v3s take literally no skill. Pick Jax as fast as possible, rush Gunblade, wreck.

FFRGreen 08-19-2011 02:26 AM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by phe0nixblade (Post 3523670)
how in the **** can you stand typing like that

I'm rainbow man and im bored

Reach 08-19-2011 09:00 AM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by -paexaea- (Post 3523684)
Yeah 3v3s take literally no skill. Pick Jax as fast as possible, rush Gunblade, wreck.

Jax is picked a lot, and I kill Jax repeatedly every chance I get with Singed >_> (I love bad Jax players with an inability to realize I haven't popped my ult yet, and then I do and the epiphany kicks in. Realizing they can't kill me they then try to run and hilarious futility ensues (cue laugh hotkey)).

If Jax is good though and has a good team composition he's pretty annoying though, yeah (Damn that Nunu. Alternatively, that Warwick. F that guy).

I fail to see how 3v3s require 'no skill' though. A different skill set than 5v5? Certainly, though not really that different IMO.

I like 3v3s, because the pacing is better. Summoners rift is fun, and I really like playing Ashe, but I can't really do anything for the first 20-25 minutes other than farm and pick off people that are out of position with my arrow, meanwhile hoping my teammates aren't feeding morons.

I should really just buy Brand or someone so I can mid every time.

FFR4EVA_00 08-19-2011 09:18 AM

Re: League of Legends
you might as well learn annie for that purpose since she's 450 now

Arch0wl 08-19-2011 10:01 AM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by -paexaea- (Post 3523684)
Yeah 3v3s take literally no skill.

If anything they take more, since the responsibility distribution is higher -- you're 1/3 of the victory, up from 1/5.

Yet what you're saying resonates with my intuition and I don't know why. I think that's because suckier players tend to play 3v3 and because the game is not balanced around 3v3 so it's less complicated.

Reach 08-19-2011 10:32 AM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by Arch0wl (Post 3523755)
If anything they take more, since the responsibility distribution is higher -- you're 1/3 of the victory, up from 1/5.

Yet what you're saying resonates with my intuition and I don't know why. I think that's because suckier players tend to play 3v3 and because the game is not balanced around 3v3 so it's less complicated.

Is it really less complicated? To me it just seems different.

The players I face are really not worse than those I've played with on summoners rift, so I'm guessing there's a cap to this (good level 30 players probably don't play this much at all).

Actually, after I went on a 10 game winning streak I've been facing smurfed arranged teams on this map who were brutally good, 10x better than anything I've seen on SR so far, though, I haven't won as much on SR because of idiots.

You can do some pretty fun things in 3v3. Probably one of my favorites is to bait the team into trying to gank me on bottom by overextending as Singed after I'm built quite tanky, pop the ult, run through their base and out the other side into the jungle where team is waiting and we ace them.

The only champs I don't want to see are, Mordes, Nunus, Warwicks and Mundos if I'm Singed, since they really don't like dying.

JmanRock 08-19-2011 04:58 PM

Re: League of Legends
Anyone play Teemo? I love laying mushrooms down every time the CD is up

stargroup100 08-19-2011 07:23 PM

Re: League of Legends
3v3's have a different meta, it's not necessarily easier or harder

the reason why a lot of people don't play on it often is because they understand the higher skill cap of 5v5's, and enjoy the atmosphere of the teamfights on summoner's rift more. in addition, 3v3 isn't balanced. having to ban/pick the same champions every game (once you reach the level) makes the game kind of tedious to play

Reach 08-19-2011 09:42 PM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by stargroup100 (Post 3523971)
3v3's have a different meta, it's not necessarily easier or harder

the reason why a lot of people don't play on it often is because they understand the higher skill cap of 5v5's, and enjoy the atmosphere of the teamfights on summoner's rift more. in addition, 3v3 isn't balanced. having to ban/pick the same champions every game (once you reach the level) makes the game kind of tedious to play

What do you think some of the best team compositions are? I'm curious.

Is 5v5 really *that* much different though? 5v5 is hardly 'balanced'. There's more versatility because it's 5v5. There are more combinations. However, setups at high ELO play are pretty standard right now (ap mid ad bot support bot sustain top jungle), and some champions are objectively better than others. Orianna and GP bans are almost universal right now because they're invincible in their respective positions (and if not banned will certainly go punished), and Brand and Orianna are OP mid. Udyr (if not top), Fiddle, GP and Nocturne are almost always best Jungle picks, and Ashe/Cait/Vayne + Support bottom is super standard. Is banning Singed, Nunu, Morde and Mundo and then having people insta pick champions like Jax, Alistar and Warwick really that different?

I think there's a bit of a design flaw on the 3v3 map though and it's the only problem I have with it right now. I've been running into it a lot lately against good teams. It's the nexus tower. Usually when you are winning and you take an inhib the other team will instantly surrender (phew), but when it's closer often they won't and the nexus tower is obnoxious, for many reasons.

It gives a huge defenders advantage. It mostly has to do with the fountain position and how easy this tower is to defend. If anyone that is remotely tanky with any sort of CC (Someone like Alistar or Singed are very good) has not been killed, they can hold this tower by themselves for long enough for their mates to respawn, forcing a retreat. You can't force a full team fight there unless you're dominating, in which case we wouldn't have this problem in the first place, because you then risk the Ace and then you could very well lose. Because the fountain is literally 1 second from the tower, and CC champions can threat a knock into the obelisk if you dive too hard, it's way too easy to defend this tower with even 1 person alive.

Sure, you can Jungle while they clean up, but if defended correctly in a non-ace situation, there's almost no way to take the tower down, which makes the match incredibly long and tedious from there out. Competent teams know this, so they can sit in their base indefinitely and just defend until their inhibitor(s) respawn, especially late game when they don't need anymore farm.

I really think either 1. The tower should be removed (First to lose inhibitor usually loses anyway on this map, but this could be badly abused so probably not), 2. The fountain obelisk should be removed (This is a serious pain on this map. Allowing fountain dives would easily fix this problem. A match was literally prolonged another 15 minutes because Alistar managed to Flash + Pulv + Headbutt me into the Obelisk), or 3. Rearrange the base areas so the tower is farther and harder to defend from the fountain position, like on SR (seems reasonable).


stargroup100 08-19-2011 11:02 PM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by Reach (Post 3524056)
What do you think some of the best team compositions are? I'm curious.

Is 5v5 really *that* much different though? 5v5 is hardly 'balanced'...

Most games do use standard setups, but there have been quite a few games where the teams use a non-standard composition. Regardless though, even though a few champions are really strong, there are still countless different strategies that can be done, unlike 3v3.


Originally Posted by Reach (Post 3524056)
I think there's a bit of a design flaw on the 3v3 map though and it's the only problem I have with it right now. I've been running into it a lot lately against good teams. It's the nexus tower. Usually when you are winning and you take an inhib the other team will instantly surrender (phew), but when it's closer often they won't and the nexus tower is obnoxious, for many reasons.

I haven't played 3v3 in a while, but iirc you could siege that tower pretty fast if you have a clear lead and minions.

Reach 08-19-2011 11:20 PM

Re: League of Legends
A clear lead and minions? Yeah, easily, since the tower itself obviously goes down quickly.

I'm talking about when it's really close, because of where the tower is relative to the fountain. It's very hard to push a small edge over that tower quickly because of it's position. This can easily drag games out to an hour, on a map where...they're supposed to be short. If the other team decides to turtle, there is not a lot you can do because you can't engage well any good team composition at their fountain that you aren't way ahead of.

My only issue is it makes games essentially as long as SR, so what's the point? haha.

In this particular game it was Singed, Orianna and Jax against Morde, Alistar and Vayne. They'd often burst down orianna or something, though, getting murdered by our triple Ult since Vayne goes down first. That would usually allow Morde the meat sack to escape, or Alistar, who was able to annoy the shit out of us attempting 2v1ing at the fountain. They lost, as expected. It just took way too long.

My build on Singed was: ninjas, ROA, Rylias, Nature, sunfire, deathcap (The extra DPS from the deathcap is ridiculous on Singed. I was already unkillable anyway. Of course, our team kinda needs some heavier AD since they can stack MR pretty easily here but hey, it was a normal >_>)


Most games do use standard setups, but there have been quite a few games where the teams use a non-standard composition. Regardless though, even though a few champions are really strong, there are still countless different strategies that can be done, unlike 3v3.
Totally agree, but I question the 'unlike 3v3 part'. I'm by no means an expert, but are there established 'unbeatable' compositions or strategies in 3v3 (other than the obvious top tier picks, but again, those exist in 5v5 too).

ZeroPersona 08-19-2011 11:22 PM

Re: League of Legends
too bad that icant play with you guys ..

i play in LOL phillipine server...


but i really like support heroes

its easier to play with them

cause you'll have less deaths and a large income by just supporting

my favorite champions:
1. Teemo
2. Sona
3. Morgana
4. Tristana :D

MaxGhost 08-20-2011 12:58 AM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by ZeroPersona (Post 3524110)
my favorite champions:
1. Teemo
2. Sona
3. Morgana
4. Tristana :D

Those are some of my least fav. (cept for Trist I guess, she's okay)

My fav are more like (in no particular order):
and a few others I can't think of right now.

stargroup100 08-20-2011 01:58 AM

Re: League of Legends
how can anyone dislike sona lmao

Wineandbread 08-20-2011 11:58 AM

Re: League of Legends
Sona was the first hero I purchased

Back when she was pretty OP and locket was still around hehehehe

FFR4EVA_00 08-20-2011 12:13 PM

Re: League of Legends
picking a support when you're a noob basically says you're going to feed all game

All_That_Chaz 08-20-2011 04:20 PM

Re: League of Legends
I'm having a hard time staying away from this game. I started playing tanks and it's less disagreeable, although not by much.

I enjoy playing Leona but I have to wonder if she's just not worth buying because she doesn't have great crowd control, as in her ult is her only CC (well, I suppose shield of daybreak stun counts, but eh). I've played some Rammus and he's fun enough, just hard to get any minion kills in early game. Should I try to learn Alistar too?

Reach 08-20-2011 09:34 PM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by All_That_Chaz (Post 3524474)
I'm having a hard time staying away from this game. I started playing tanks and it's less disagreeable, although not by much.

I enjoy playing Leona but I have to wonder if she's just not worth buying because she doesn't have great crowd control, as in her ult is her only CC (well, I suppose shield of daybreak stun counts, but eh). I've played some Rammus and he's fun enough, just hard to get any minion kills in early game. Should I try to learn Alistar too?

Alistar is one of my favorites, and I try to play him as much as possible. His ult makes him very tanky, he has some of the best CC in the game (very easy ganks in other lanes) and he is great support. Can't beat it! You'll crush lanes all day with this cow with a decent team mate (Ideally you don't farm much with Alistar. You'll be giving most of it to your laning partner, ideally a carry, though farming him in some lane combinations is an option.)

Not so much crushing with a bad lane partner though. Low level Alistar is painful. Nothing worse than Flash -> Pulverize -> Headbutt into your teammate and they just sit there, let you die and forfeit the free kill. You question them about it and their response is 'you picked a bad time to attack' (I had this happen once. Right after I blue pilled some minutes later they decided to dive the enemy 1v2, and died. Apparently when I set up a free kill on an overextended carry it's a badly timed attack, but tower diving two champs when I'm pilling is great)

Oh, and learn Singed. If you build him tanky, he's virtually impossible to kill come mid-late game. And if you put a Deathcap on his him net DPS is massive.

hi19hi19 08-20-2011 09:39 PM

Re: League of Legends
IEM is kind of fun to watch. Stream's up right now http://www.own3d.tv/live/27904/Intel...gue_of_Legends

Reach 08-20-2011 11:23 PM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 (Post 3524658)
IEM is kind of fun to watch. Stream's up right now http://www.own3d.tv/live/27904/Intel...gue_of_Legends

Some awesome games in this tourney. Phenomenal play from TSM vs Fnatic. Looking forward to the finals vs CLG.

Mostly standard bans, but not banning GP was a massive mistake. I mean, Singed instead? D: GP was only going to snowball in that game after Trinity Force; they stood no chance. Also, farmed Jax initiation FTW.

Wineandbread 08-20-2011 11:28 PM

Re: League of Legends
@Reach: you tend to ban characters that people are good with as oppose to general bans in high end play

i.e. People banning Nidalee and Cho'gath when HotshotGG is playing; people banning Singed when someone like Dyrus is playing; people started banning Gragas when Shushei is on the other team when he was doing amazing with him during Dreamhack.

Reach 08-21-2011 08:13 AM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by Wineandbread (Post 3524739)
@Reach: you tend to ban characters that people are good with as oppose to general bans in high end play

i.e. People banning Nidalee and Cho'gath when HotshotGG is playing; people banning Singed when someone like Dyrus is playing; people started banning Gragas when Shushei is on the other team when he was doing amazing with him during Dreamhack.

I'm aware of that.

I'm guessing they have a good Singed player on TSM. Rainman? But still, I would have rather dealt with Singed there than GP. GP is a good general purpose ban for any team and most teams had been banning him in this tourney.

Otherwise, he's been picked every game and is a real nuisance to deal with, since he scales so nicely (he's deadly in pretty much every portion of the game).

I'll admit, I love playing Gangplank and build him pretty much like Oddone did with Wriggles + Triforce first Jungle, and then straight into IE, Phantom dancer, Bloodthirster and Last Whisper. Good luck dealing with him then, especially if he got fed during jungle.

Watching TSM vs CLG now. GP was of course, banned.

This will be good :D

TSM has the better team I think. I expect them to win. Galio...is just...I don't like it. Hopefully CLG win though so there's a 3rd game.

Edit: Surprising.

3rd game :)

rsr2 08-21-2011 06:55 PM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by ZeroPersona (Post 3524110)

my favorite champions:

3. Morgana

That's my favorite champ to play. I also enjoy playing Brand, Gragas (So Much fun) and Morde.

Coolboyrulez0 08-21-2011 07:55 PM

Re: League of Legends
My favorites, just because:

1) Xin Zhao
2) AD Garen
3) Jax (haven't bought, but played extensively during free week(s))
4) Tanky Garen
5) Ashe / Cait
6) Fiddle

FFR4EVA_00 08-21-2011 08:20 PM

Re: League of Legends


not necessarily ones that i am good at (my top 2 are rammus and sona tho) but they are fun to me
also apparently skarner's base stats are really terrible?

edit: so riot's final solution to supporting is nerfing healing amounts and/or cds even more, but upping bonus effects on the heals and damage output
in other words hotshotnidaleegg might have gotten buffed again

Reach 08-21-2011 08:52 PM

Re: League of Legends
My favs:


My favorite part about LoL:

Getting called an idiot, a ******, a gay noob, a shit ashe, a *** ashe

Etc (you get the point)

When I'm running the best K/D and twice the CS of anyone on my team, also winning middle lane (2/0 with 2x CS), because, ostensibly 'Omg Ashe WTF why you run' (only one that survives team fight) 'omg ashe why didn't you defend tower' (1v5 after team fight, with a blitzcrank amongst other CC and 3 tanks)

Of course then, my requests to not do baron go unheard and we're subsequently aced, etc

Of course then, once I'm maxed we come from behind and we ace them, for the first time in the game, thanks to me and a perfect arrow. I score the quadra kill.

We win, gg, bg ashe 'worst ashe ever'

;D like a bause. Some things are priceless. For everything else, there's noobs with heal and revive.

Hurleyisgod 08-21-2011 09:25 PM

Re: League of Legends
AP Tristana. Combo does 4000 damage, nuff said.

_Stepdude_ 08-22-2011 06:17 AM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by Hurleyisgod (Post 3525210)
AP Tristana. Combo does 4000 damage, nuff said.

I've noticed that a hybrid Trist is way more stable. Sure, AP trist hurts like ****, but with shitton of attspd and atdmg she reaaally can have that sustained high dmg.

stargroup100 08-22-2011 09:34 AM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by Reach (Post 3525174)
When I'm running the best K/D

technically you're the carry so you should have the best k/d

but yeah that stuff is hilarious. always love it when the enemy team or allies taunt me and then I end up carrying

a very, very strange game with Heimer where I went with a build I've never had to use before:
I was lucky enough to get the enemy team where I wanted them to be, making the win very very easy, but I don't think they couldn't done much even if they played smart

Reach 08-22-2011 10:11 AM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by stargroup100 (Post 3525484)
technically you're the carry so you should have the best k/d

but yeah that stuff is hilarious. always love it when the enemy team or allies taunt me and then I end up carrying

a very, very strange game with Heimer where I went with a build I've never had to use before:
I was lucky enough to get the enemy team where I wanted them to be, making the win very very easy, but I don't think they couldn't done much even if they played smart

It should depend on a few variables though. Ashe is pretty squishy, most reasonable teams will burst me down first before I can kill anyone unless I can catch them with a really good arrow. I have more success staying back and mostly volleying, waiting for either 1. low hp targets to burst down or 2. someone out of position to focus, but a lot of the times this means I get assists instead of kills. Really just depends on how the action is going down.

I dunno man, people say Ashe is easy to play but I find her one of the hardest champs to play (well), at least out of ones that I've played a lot. She's retardedly CS dependent (Bad CS = Bad Ashe, unless miraculously fed, though she's one of the harder champions to feed), isn't strong until later on, is very squishy + dead if caught out of position and has a skill shot that can make or break a team fight.

Oh, and how do you watch these replays?

stargroup100 08-22-2011 12:39 PM

Re: League of Legends
google lolreplay

and yes ashe is extremely hard to play. I have no idea why people all say she's easy because she's not. in terms of pure damage output, she has one of the lowest of all carries, and she has no escape. the only thing that makes up for it is her kit of infinite slow and her arrow. basically it's like do or die

MaxGhost 08-22-2011 12:52 PM

Re: League of Legends
All you really need to worry about with ashe is CS for the first 5-10 minutes and not dieing. Often, your opponents will dive you, and you can easily kill them. Also you need to harass with your W as much as possible to keep them at bay, as soon as you hit 6, you can just kill them pretty much instantly with R->W->autoattacks. She just needs a couple kills to start snowballing. I find her extremely easy to play cause there's really not that many things you need to worry about in terms of using her cause she basically has only two actives and three passives. Hawkshot pretty much has no use in team fights aside from chasing. Ashe needs a crit build to do good.

Reach 08-22-2011 01:41 PM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by MaxGhost (Post 3525557)
All you really need to worry about with ashe is CS for the first 5-10 minutes and not dieing. Often, your opponents will dive you, and you can easily kill them. Also you need to harass with your W as much as possible to keep them at bay, as soon as you hit 6, you can just kill them pretty much instantly with R->W->autoattacks. She just needs a couple kills to start snowballing. I find her extremely easy to play cause there's really not that many things you need to worry about in terms of using her cause she basically has only two actives and three passives. Hawkshot pretty much has no use in team fights aside from chasing. Ashe needs a crit build to do good.

5-10 minutes?

You mean, 30-35 minutes? How would Ashe be even remotely close to finished anything in 10 minutes? It takes nearly 15-20 to get an IE unless you're playing against idiots, assuming a CS of about 70 in the first 10 mins, which is the highest I can ever manage without a support in my lane. Even then, Ashe is hardly a beast.

Also, why would you W as much as possible? You'll run out of mana. It should be used conservatively, but yes you can harass with it.

And there's no way you can kill anyone that isn't dumb and overextended at 6, since they can easily flash out if their hp is high enough and shouldn't be stupid enough to come near you when their hp is low.

Of course, if you get a couple kills, that allows a fast IE and fast Phantom, at which point you can start snowballing, but I find I rarely get more than 2 kills early on. Most players simply aren't bad enough.

When I play like, Singed, or Gangplank though, they have an idiot seal of approval, so it's pretty easy to waste people out of position with either of them. Actually, in my last game Blitz grabbed me and Garen came out of the bush to ostensibly gank me 3v1, though Vlad was close. I just popped my ult, Vlad ult'd them and they for whatever reason decided it would be a good idea to chase me into the jungle because my HP was low. Needless to say, a free triple kill. You just can't get away with that crap with Ashe >_>

MaxGhost 08-22-2011 02:13 PM

Re: League of Legends
I forgot to mention you need MP5 runes and ARP runes. With MP5 runes, you can harass all day. Your ult does insane amount of damage at 6, especially considering mid-lane champs are usually squishy.

When I said 5-10 minutes, I mean of pure farming. You hit 6 around the 10-12 minute mark usually (iirc) and that's when you should start roaming a bit more. First item should almost always be a Zeal, more move-speed the better for getting around. Next is an IE. After getting your Zeal, which is around 10 minutes, then you're good. I don't usually lose when I get my Zeal at 10 with Ashe, I can proceed to carry hard.

vantilburg 08-23-2011 06:39 AM

Re: League of Legends
Ashe isn't that great of a mid lane, to be honest. There are a lot of champions that outplay her in that respect. And if you do happen to be midding as Ashe because you don't have a competent ap carry or whatever, I like to use my ults on other lanes where some action is about to happen, anyway. Higher chance for at least one kill, in my opinion. I generally go for the free-farm-until-you-get-a-bf-sword approach, then you can generally go as aggro as you like.

Reach 08-23-2011 08:29 AM

Re: League of Legends
Yeah, Ashe is pretty bad mid lane, I know. The only reason I mid there with her at all is because at the level of play I experience, I can get away with it and the farm is better, and because nobody ever plays support to go bottom with. I've been practising Orianna and Brand though, so I'll start taking mid with them.

I've stopped playing Ashe for a bit because of this. Laneplank, Udyr and Singed are also more fun and easier to play and don't really require that much farm (and if they do feed, they steamroll out of control)

Also, I'd like to give out a free slap to anyone that wins a team fight decisively (4+ dead on other team) and immediately blue pills. This is probably the most infuriating part of playing with bad players. Please people, when you win, push. The only exception to this ever is if you have teleport and it's an important b. That includes in your lane too (unless your health is dangerously low and we have known mias or junglers.)

Another additional slap goes out to teammates that stand there and leave free kills and subsequently let me die when I'm playing Singed because, quote 'You just ran in there, for no reason, doing nothing just running around', and then force me to carry the game later >_> (The net DPS you can do with a Deathcap late game though is pretty astronomical. It cripples teams so badly that can't CC you)

bluguerrilla 08-23-2011 08:50 AM

Re: League of Legends
Man, if that Morde had been half-competent you would have won so much faster stargroup...

stargroup100 08-23-2011 10:33 AM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by MaxGhost (Post 3525557)
All you really need to worry about with ashe is CS for the first 5-10 minutes and not dieing.

what reach said. laning phase is waaaay longer than that, and if you're the carry you need to be farming all game


Originally Posted by MaxGhost (Post 3525557)
Often, your opponents will dive you, and you can easily kill them.

LOLOLOLOLOL I'm sorry but that's funny


Originally Posted by MaxGhost (Post 3525557)
Also you need to harass with your W as much as possible to keep them at bay, as soon as you hit 6, you can just kill them pretty much instantly with R->W->autoattacks.

counter: stand behind minions.
flaw: not enough mana

a good mid pick will mostly wear you down first by level 6, so going in for a kill will most likely be impossible/difficult


Originally Posted by MaxGhost (Post 3525557)
I find her extremely easy to play cause there's really not that many things you need to worry about in terms of using her cause she basically has only two actives and three passives. Hawkshot pretty much has no use in team fights aside from chasing.

in teamfights, you are the carry, and you have no escape mechanisms excluding summoner spells. if positioning was so simple you'd be in high elo. only hard cc she has is her arrow, which usually determines initiations. hawkshot has long range vision that allows for map control and positioning advantage for fights

easy to play ok


Originally Posted by MaxGhost (Post 3525557)
Ashe needs a crit build to do good.

only because she has no steroids

stargroup100 08-23-2011 10:35 AM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by bluguerrilla (Post 3525890)
Man, if that Morde had been half-competent you would have won so much faster stargroup...

yeah low level queue buddies lol

ChessWizard 08-23-2011 10:42 AM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by MaxGhost (Post 3525557)
Ashe needs a crit build to do good.


Tanks will rape any crit build you put on ashe

AS/Armor Pennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

(well, what items would this crit build be using, exactly?)

vantilburg 08-23-2011 11:50 AM

Re: League of Legends
I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon that Ashe is definitely hard to learn. Of course, I didn't learn carries in my early levels like most players, so I tend to stay away from those positions in the first place. When I do play, though, I find carries like Ezreal or Vayne or even Kennen (ap of course) fit my play style much better. That is, play around, land some pot shots, then go in for the kill with some general escape mechanisms for when things don't go as planned. Ashe is more of a carry where you try to stick on them for as long as possible with your slow.

-paexaea- 08-23-2011 02:03 PM

Re: League of Legends
aka pick better ranged carries?

Reach 08-23-2011 02:59 PM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by ChessWizard (Post 3525911)

Tanks will rape any crit build you put on ashe

AS/Armor Pennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

(well, what items would this crit build be using, exactly?)

Best Build on Ashe is pretty much 100% established anyway, yeah?

Berserkers, IE, Phantom, Whisper, Bloodthirster (You can get this earlier), and either 1. Banshee's (usually this) 2. Thornmail (AD centered opponents, no good tanks on your team. rare), 3. Bloodrazor (very nice middle of the road option), 4. Another Phantom dancer (if you're already winning and want to farm kills), depending on enemy team composition etc etc

Though, I'm thinking if you had enough money, wouldn't it be more efficient to sell Berserkers and just add another phantom dancer? You should move just as fast, but it gives more attack speed and critical (nearly 100% at that point).

Now I kinda want to try Ashe with an IE, Whisper, Bloodthirster and 3 Phantom Dancers >_>

FFR4EVA_00 08-23-2011 03:22 PM

Re: League of Legends
actually i take back what i said about sona
sona's a boring as **** champ

-paexaea- 08-23-2011 04:48 PM

Re: League of Legends
just now realizing? lol

Kibblre 08-23-2011 05:09 PM

Re: League of Legends
If you guys haven't seen this, I highly advise reading through all of the OP.


ChessWizard 08-24-2011 12:19 AM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by Reach (Post 3526015)
Best Build on Ashe is pretty much 100% established anyway, yeah?

Berserkers, IE, Phantom, Whisper, Bloodthirster (You can get this earlier), and either 1. Banshee's (usually this) 2. Thornmail (AD centered opponents, no good tanks on your team. rare), 3. Bloodrazor (very nice middle of the road option), 4. Another Phantom dancer (if you're already winning and want to farm kills), depending on enemy team composition etc etc

Though, I'm thinking if you had enough money, wouldn't it be more efficient to sell Berserkers and just add another phantom dancer? You should move just as fast, but it gives more attack speed and critical (nearly 100% at that point).

Now I kinda want to try Ashe with an IE, Whisper, Bloodthirster and 3 Phantom Dancers >_>

Pretty much established, yes, but there are still some significant-ish variations... Merc treads instead of berzerkers, black cleaver instead of LW can be decent, but yeah what you said is pretty much standard.

And hm... you raise an interesting point with that selling berzerker's for phantom's... I'd try it out but it's too damn difficult to get a game with Ashe to go long enough to buy all of that stuff >.>

Also, haahhahahahahahahahahahahahah Kibbl

All_That_Chaz 08-24-2011 01:27 AM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by Kibblre (Post 3526054)
If you guys haven't seen this, I highly advise reading through all of the OP.


A+. Would read again.

MaxGhost 08-24-2011 01:36 AM

Re: League of Legends
That post is 2 years old and pretty outdated... but yeah it's funny.

rsr2 08-24-2011 04:00 AM

Re: League of Legends

Awwww yeah.

All_That_Chaz 08-24-2011 02:11 PM

Re: League of Legends
That is spectacular. Guy finder guide made me laugh.

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