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Bluearrowll 07-27-2012 06:16 AM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
What's in the sky tonight?
July 27, 2012
-Look left of the Moon (by a fist-width at arm's length or more) for orange Antares. Much closer left of the Moon are the three fainter stars that mark the head of Scorpius, lined up about vertically.

-Mars has crept to within 11° of Saturn and Spica, on its way to passing between them in mid-August.

-Before or during dawn Saturday morning, telescope users near North America's West Coast can see Jupiter's satellites Io and Europa both casting their tiny black shadows onto Jupiter's face from 4:45 to 5:33 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time.

Astro Picture of the Day:
July 27, 2012

The largest of its kind, the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) II telescope stands in the foreground of this photo. Tilted horizontally it reflects the inverted landscape of the Namibian desert in a segmented mirror 24 meters wide and 32 meters tall, equal in area to two tennis courts. Now beginning an exploration of the Universe at extreme energies, H.E.S.S. II saw first light on July 26. Most ground-based telescopes with lenses and mirrors are hindered by the Earth's nurturing, protective atmosphere that blurs images and scatters and absorbs light. But the H.E.S.S. II telescope is a cherenkov telescope, designed to detect gamma rays - photons with over 100 billion times the energy of visible light - and actually requires the atmosphere to operate. As the gamma rays impact the upper atmosphere they produce air showers of high-energy particles. A large camera at the mirror's focus records in detail the brief flashes of optical light, called cherenkov light, created by the air shower particles. The H.E.S.S. II telescope operates in concert with the array of four other 12 meter cherenkov telescopes to provide multiple stereoscopic views of the air showers, relating them to the energies and directions of the incoming cosmic gamma rays.

Bluearrowll 07-28-2012 09:25 AM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
What's in the sky tonight?
July 28, 2012
-Fiery Antares shines lower right of the waxing gibbous Moon tonight.

-Venus and Jupiter (magnitudes –4.6 and –2.2) shine dramatically in the east before and during dawn, as shown at right. They've widened to about 14° apart now, with Jupiter higher. Look for Aldebaran, much fainter, lower right of Jupiter. Also near Jupiter are the Hyades, and higher above are the Pleiades.

The asteroids Ceres and Vesta, magnitudes 9.1 and 8.4, are in the area too!

Astro Picture of the Day:
July 28, 2012

Brilliant Venus and bright Jupiter still rise together before dawn. The peaceful waters by a small lakeside house near Stuttgart, Germany reflect their graceful arcing trails in this composited series of exposures, recorded on the morning of July 26. A reflection of planet Earth's rotation on its axis, the concentric trails of these celestial beacons along with trails of stars are punctuated at their ends by a separate final frame in the morning skyview. Easy to pick out, Venus is brightest and near the trees close to the horizon. Jupiter arcs above it, toward the center of the image along with the compact Pleiades star cluster and V-shaped Hyades anchored by bright star Aldebaran. One trail looks wrong, though. Not concentric with the others and so not a reflection of Earth's rotation, the International Space Station streaks off the right side of this scene, glinting in sunlight as it orbits planet Earth.

Bluearrowll 07-29-2012 05:23 AM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
What's in the sky tonight?
July 29, 2012
-Before and during dawn Monday morning, Jupiter is closest to Aldebaran. They're 4.7° apart, with Aldebaran to Jupiter's lower right.

-Mars and Saturn (magnitudes +1.1 and +0.8, respectively) are low in the west-southwest at dusk. Saturn stands 4½° above similarly-bright Spica. Mars is approaching closer to them every day and will pass between them on August 13th and 14th.

Astro Picture of the Day:
July 29, 2012

In the center of star-forming region 30 Doradus lies a huge cluster of the largest, hottest, most massive stars known. These stars, known collectively as star cluster R136, were captured above in visible light by the newly installed Wide Field Camera peering though the recently refurbished Hubble Space Telescope. Gas and dust clouds in 30 Doradus, also known as the Tarantula Nebula, have been sculpted into elongated shapes by powerful winds and ultraviolet radiation from these hot cluster stars. The 30 Doradus Nebula lies within a neighboring galaxy known as the Large Magellanic Cloud and is located a mere 170,000 light-years away.

Bluearrowll 07-30-2012 06:12 AM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
What's in the sky tonight?
July 30, 2012
-The waxing gibbous Moon this evening hangs over the handle of the Sagittarius Teapot.

-Uranus (magnitude 5.8, at the Pisces-Cetus border) and Neptune (magnitude 7.8, in Aquarius) are high in the southern sky before the first light of dawn.

Astro Picture of the Day:
July 30, 2012

Why did the picturesque 2010 volcanic eruption in Iceland create so much ash? Although the large ash plume was not unparalleled in its abundance, its location was particularly noticeable because it drifted across such well-populated areas. The Eyjafjallajökull volcano in southern Iceland began erupting on 2010 March 20, with a second eruption starting under the center of a small glacier on 2010 April 14. Neither eruption was unusually powerful. The second eruption, however, melted a large amount of glacial ice which then cooled and fragmented lava into gritty glass particles that were carried up with the rising volcanic plume. Pictured above during the second eruption, lightning bolts illuminate ash pouring out of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano.

MikeShinoda12345 07-30-2012 06:15 AM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
holy crap lol

ShadowSpawn13 07-30-2012 01:21 PM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
This is probably the best thread I've seen :)

Bluearrowll 07-31-2012 06:12 AM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
What's in the sky tonight?
July 31, 2012
-During early dawn Wednesday and Thursday mornings, look low in the east to spot brilliant Venus, magnitude –4.6. Look 2° upper left of it (roughly a finger's width at arm's length) for Zeta Tauri, magnitude 3.0. That's a brightness difference of just over 1,000 times! Binoculars will be necessary as dawn brightens.

-All week, watch Mars move in on Saturn and Spica at dusk.

Astro Picture of the Day:
July 31, 2012

Why does this Martian rock have so much zinc? Roughly the size and shape of a tilted coffee-table, this oddly flat, light-topped rock outcropping was chanced upon a few weeks ago by the robotic Opportunity rover currently rolling across Mars. Early last month Opportunity reached Endeavour crater, the largest surface feature it has ever encountered, and is now exploring Endeavour's rim for clues about how wet Mars was billions of years ago. Pictured above and named Tisdale 2, the unusual rock structure was probed by Opportunity last week and is now thought to be a remnant thrown off during the impact that created nearby Odyssey crater. The resulting chemical analysis of Tisdale 2, however, has shown it to have a strangely high amount of the element zinc. The reason for this is currently unknown, but might turn out to be a clue to the history of the entire region. Opportunity is already finding rocks older than any previously studied and will continue to explore several other intriguing rock formations only now glimpsed from a distance.

Bluearrowll 08-1-2012 06:12 AM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
What's in the sky tonight?
August 1, 2012
-Full Moon tonight (exact at 11:27 p.m. EDT). The Moon is in dim Capricornus. Shining high above it is Altair.

-Venus and Jupiter (magnitudes –4.6 and –2.2) shine dramatically in the east before and during dawn, as shown at right. They've widened to about 14° apart now, with Jupiter higher. Look for Aldebaran, much fainter, lower right of Jupiter. Also near Jupiter are the Hyades, and higher above are the Pleiades.

Astro Picture of the Day:
August 1, 2012

You don't have to be at Monument Valley to see the Milky Way arch across the sky like this -- but it helps. Only at Monument Valley USA would you see a picturesque foreground that includes these iconic rock peaks called buttes. Buttes are composed of hard rock left behind after water has eroded away the surrounding soft rock. In the above image taken about two months ago, the closest butte on the left and the butte to its right are known as the Mittens, while Merrick Butte can be seen just further to the right. High overhead stretches a band of diffuse light that is the central disk of our spiral Milky Way Galaxy. The band of the Milky Way can be spotted by almost anyone on almost any clear night when far enough from a city and surrounding bright lights.

Bluearrowll 08-2-2012 06:12 AM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
What's in the sky tonight?
August 2, 2012
-Arcturus is the brightest star in the west after dark at this time of year. It and Vega, almost overhead, are the two leading stars of summer. Look off to the right of Arcturus, in the northwest, to spot the Big Dipper dipping down.

Astro Picture of the Day:
August 2, 2012

No star dips below the horizon and the Sun never climbs above it in this remarkable image of 24 hour long star trails. Showing all the trails as complete circles, such an image could be achieved only from two places on planet Earth. This example was recorded during the course of May 1, 2012, the digital camera in a heated box on the roof of MAPO, the Martin A. Pomerantz Observatory at the South Pole. Directly overhead in the faint constellation Octans is the projection of Earth's rotational axis, the South Celestial Pole, at the center of all the star trail circles. Not so well placed as Polaris and the North Celestial Pole, the star leaving the small but still relatively bright circle around the South Celestial Pole is Beta Hydri. The inverted umbrella structure on the horizon at the right of the allsky field of view is the ground shield for the SPUD telescope. A shimmering apparition of the aurora australis also visited on this 24 hour night.

MikeShinoda12345 08-2-2012 06:20 AM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
out of curiosity, where do you get all these astro pics?

Bluearrowll 08-2-2012 06:31 AM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
Typically they come from the Source: that can be found underneath all pictures. If you click on the image in the source, you can see a much larger picture.

Bluearrowll 08-3-2012 07:46 AM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
What's in the sky tonight?
August 3, 2012
-As summer enters its second half, the Summer Triangle approaches its greatest height in the evening. Face east and look almost straight up after nightfall. The brightest star there is Vega. Toward the northeast from Vega (by two or three fist-widths at arm's length) is Deneb. Toward the southeast from Vega by a greater distance is Altair.

Astro Picture of the Day:
August 3, 2012

"Beautiful Nebula discovered between the Balance [Libra] & the Serpent [Serpens] ..." begins the description of the 5th entry in 18th century astronomer Charles Messier's famous catalog of nebulae and star clusters. Though it appeared to Messier to be fuzzy and round and without stars, Messier 5 (M5) is now known to be a globular star cluster, 100,000 stars or more, bound by gravity and packed into a region around 165 light-years in diameter. It lies some 25,000 light-years away. Roaming the halo of our galaxy, globular star clusters are ancient members of the Milky Way. M5 is one of the oldest globulars, its stars estimated to be nearly 13 billion years old. The beautiful star cluster is a popular target for earthbound telescopes. Even close to its dense core, the cluster's red and blue giant stars stand out with yellowish and blue hues in this sharp color image.

Bluearrowll 08-5-2012 04:19 PM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
Due to a bad case of food poisoning which forced me to be hospitalised, on top of being sick, I am placing this thread on temporary hiatus over the weekend, possibly for tomorrow as well. Hope to have it running again by Tuesday. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Bluearrowll 08-7-2012 06:38 AM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
As promised, I am feeling better and am back home now, so I am able to make up for lost time. In this post I will have all days that I missed + today! One of them will feature a video which I think is quite neat.

What's in the sky tonight?
August 4, 2012
-The waning gibbous Moon rises in the east as twilight fades away. Look well to the Moon's left or upper left for the Great Square of Pegasus, balancing on one corner.

Astro Picture of the Day:
August 4, 2012

Blown by the wind from a massive star, this interstellar apparition has a surprisingly familiar shape. Cataloged as NGC 7635, it is also known simply as The Bubble Nebula. Although it looks delicate, the 10 light-year diameter bubble offers evidence of violent processes at work. Above and right of the Bubble's center is a hot, O star, several hundred thousand times more luminous and around 45 times more massive than the Sun. A fierce stellar wind and intense radiation from that star has blasted out the structure of glowing gas against denser material in a surrounding molecular cloud. The intriguing Bubble Nebula lies a mere 11,000 light-years away toward the boastful constellation Cassiopeia. This view of the cosmic bubble is composed of narrowband and broadband image data, capturing details in the emission region while recording a natural looking field of stars.

What's in the sky tonight?
August 5, 2012
-Vega is near the zenith soon after nightfall (as seen from mid-northern latitudes), and this tells you that the rich Milky Way in Sagittarius and the tail of Scorpius is now at its best low in the south. The region is loaded with telescopic star clusters and nebulae. Catch it while you can.

-Mars and Saturn (magnitudes +1.1 and +0.8, respectively) are low in the west-southwest at dusk, forming a triangle with similarly bright (but twinklier) Spica. Saturn and Spica are 4½° apart, with Saturn on top. Mars, to Spica's right, is approaching closer to them every day. It will pass between them on August 13th and 14th.

Astro Picture of the Day:
August 5, 2012

Stunning emission nebula IC 1396 mixes glowing cosmic gas and dark dust clouds in the high and far off constellation of Cepheus. Energized by the bright, bluish central star seen here, this star forming region sprawls across hundreds of light-years -- spanning over three degrees on the sky while nearly 3,000 light-years from planet Earth. Among the intriguing dark shapes within IC 1396, the winding Elephant's Trunk nebula lies just below center. The gorgeous color view is a composition of digitized black and white photographic plates recorded through red and blue astronomical filters. The plates were taken using the Samuel Oschin Telescope, a wide-field survey instrument at Palomar Observatory, between 1989 and 1993.

What's in the sky tonight?
August 6, 2012
-By mid-evening this week, W-shaped Cassiopeia rises as high in the north-northeast as the bowl of the Big Dipper has sunk in the north-northwest.

Astro Picture of the Day:
August 6, 2012
Have you ever seen the night sky change? It does -- sometimes in beautiful and unexpected ways. To see it, though, usually requires patience. The above award winning video shows several of the possible changes in dramatic fashion with a time lapse video. Visible are sunset-illuminated clouds moving, stars of vivid colors rising, the long tail of a Comet Lovejoy rising, bright satellites crossing, a meteor exploding, a distant lightning storm approaching, skyscapes including the Magellanic Clouds rotating, and a fisheye sky rotating while the foreground becomes illuminated by moonlight. Frequently featuring an artistic human sculpture in the foreground and the southern sky in the background, the video closes with a time lapse clip of a total lunar eclipse.

What's in the sky tonight?
August 7, 2012
-The waning gibbous Moon rises in the east as twilight fades away. Look well to the Moon's left or upper left for the Great Square of Pegasus, balancing on one corner.

Astro Picture of the Day:
August 7, 2012

A wheel attached to NASA's Curiosity rover is firmly on the martian surface in this early picture from the Mars Science Laboratory mission, captured after a successful landing on August 5, 2012 at 10:32pm (PDT). Seen at the lower right of a Hazard Avoidance Camera fisheye wide-angle image, the rover's left rear wheel is 50 centimeters (about 20 inches) in diameter. Part of a spring hinge for the camera's dust cover is just visible in the right corner, while at the upper left is part of the rover's RTG power source. Looking into the Sun across the rock stewn surface of Mars, distant hills on the right are the rim of Gale Crater, about 20 kilometers from the compact car-sized rover's current resting place. Larger color images are expected later in the week when the rover's mast, carrying high-resolution cameras, is deployed.

Nu0n 08-7-2012 07:14 AM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
loving all of this :3

Nullifidian 08-7-2012 08:22 AM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
welcome back terry!

Bluearrowll 08-8-2012 06:06 AM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
What's in the sky tonight?
August 8, 2012
-The two brightest stars of summer are Vega, nearly overhead after dark (for skywatchers at mid-northern latitudes), and Arcturus in the west. Look a third of the way from Arcturus to Vega for the dim semicircle of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown. Look two thirds of the way for the dim Keystone of Hercules, about the same size.

-Have any plans for the weekend? The Perseids peak on Saturday.

Astro Picture of the Day:
August 8, 2012

Just as it captured the Phoenix lander parachuting to Mars in 2008, the HiRise camera onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) snapped this picture of the Curiosity rover's spectacular descent toward its landing site on August 5 (PDT). The nearly 16 meter (51 foot) wide parachute and its payload are caught dropping through the thin martian atmosphere above plains just north of the sand dune field that that borders the 5 kilometer high Mt. Sharp in Gale Crater. The MRO spacecraft was about 340 kilometers away when the image was made. From MRO's perspective the parachute is flying at an angle to the surface so the landing site itself does not appear below it. Dangling from tethers and still about 3 kilometers above Mars, Curiosity and its rocket powered sky crane have not yet been deployed.

Bluearrowll 08-9-2012 06:16 AM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
What's in the sky tonight?
August 9, 2012
-Last-quarter Moon (exact at 2:55 p.m. EDT). The lopsided-looking Moon rises around midnight with the Pleiades to its left.

-Mars is about to cross Saturn in Spica after sundown in the coming days. It has moved much closer now to form a tight triangle.

-Have any plans for the weekend? The Perseids peak on Saturday.

Astro Picture of the Day:
August 9, 2012

Is there a monster in IC 1396? Known to some as the Elephant's Trunk Nebula, parts of the glowing gas and dust clouds of this star formation region may appear to take on foreboding forms, some nearly human. The entire nebula might even look like a face of a monster. The only real monster here, however, is a bright young star too far from Earth to be dangerous. Energetic light from this star is eating away the dust of the dark cometary globule at the top right of the image. Jets and winds of particles emitted from this star are also pushing away ambient gas and dust. Nearly 3,000 light-years distant, the IC 1396 complex is relatively faint and covers a region on the sky with an apparent width of more than 10 full moons. Recently, over 100 young stars have been discovered forming in the nebula.

Ksl33zy24 08-9-2012 10:02 PM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
def, gonna look at this daily, if i remember (:

darklordsarumon9 08-9-2012 11:51 PM

Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.
Bubble Nebula - beautiful

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