View Full Version : About the FFR Shop

10-12-2003, 10:49 PM
What is the point of the FFR shop if none of the songs are available, yeah the game is fun, but I've got so many credits...it's not even funny, so I thought I'd just make a suggestion on that. Please think of adding songs in there!

10-12-2003, 11:10 PM
they will. eventually. Be patient, they kind of have lives and jobs to attend to as well.

10-13-2003, 12:12 AM
Everyone and their grandma has asked a question about the songs.

OF COURSE THEY'RE GONNA ADD SONGS... Thats why its there.

As for me, I have a little over 790 credz, which is almost enough to buy all the songs.

What I would sugguest is raising the prices a bit, that way, those of us who have an amazing amount stockpiled would still have to work for our songs.


10-13-2003, 12:19 AM
Nestwik said that those numbers are just place holders and the real songs are going to be a lot more expensive.

10-13-2003, 01:15 AM
Someone should consider stickying a topic with a title along the lines of "Why the shop doesn't sell anything"

10-13-2003, 01:31 AM
For real, Brain master?

Good... That woulda taken the challenge out.