View Full Version : A few scores from today

07-21-2004, 11:33 PM
From today... Some I've done better in the past, some are... my best

Jello's A: If I didn't screw up the beginning... *sigh*

Brace Yourself: I can almost taste the AA

Low: Why'd I have to screw up the ending? I've FC'd, but not with such good PA...

V Rasen: About damn time... I screwed up so many times in the song, I didn't think I'd AA... PA to the rescue, I usually get 150+ greats

Halloween: Meh, best score from today

Tokyo: Once I figure out those BPM changes, that song will be a sure FC

07-21-2004, 11:35 PM

07-21-2004, 11:42 PM
ill blame it on the comp XD good job

07-22-2004, 01:09 AM
GJ on the scores, keep trying =)

is it really the computer that's the problem? or is it the keyboard? I remember going to a friend's house and trying to SM there, but it wudn't register anything faster than like a 200 bpm stream... and when u try throwing in doubles at even 160 bpm, it messed up... but I don't know if it's the keyboard or the comp...

07-22-2004, 01:47 AM
In my case, its both... My keyboard can't register SINGLE jackhammers anything faster then ice climber v2 (even then I have to hit a little earlier then when they come), it can't register double jackhammers anything faster then club v2 (sad... sometimes I even get misses on that :P). As for the computer problem, it screws up my PA entirely... I can be hitting perfectly, getting all marvs, but then I'll start getting greats for no reason... Nima was playing max 300, and he got marv marv marv great perfect etc... Screwed up processor... Then theres my Paranoia Respect Score... 90 mil and still a B... lol

I remember on msn with banditcom, i was mashing 5 quads as fast as i could, and heres what it registered:

07-22-2004, 04:06 PM
I bet you anything is so fucking tormented by his gay comp,when and IF he gets a new one he will totally rape SM and become godly or either show his godlyness.

07-22-2004, 04:14 PM
Yeah... sounds like me... All my Judge 1 scores (on this comp) will happen on judge 4 (on that comp)... and i'll be able to pass badger oni/blur/etc on 4/4 instead of 1/1 =\