View Full Version : Edit Comments

05-7-2013, 08:40 PM
Since we can edit our posts in the forums, why not be able to edit profile comments too? Not just for profile comments, but also for random thoughts, replays, videos, photos, etc. IF this is even possible of course...

EDIT: Not just for our personal profiles, but also if you post a comment on other people's profiles and stuff too.

05-7-2013, 09:21 PM
The way I see it, comments should not be editable. You lose that sort of authenticity that old old comments that should not be tormented have. Besides, where else other than Facebook (limited feature) can you edit comments?

And inthe end, I think that's a feature not many people will end up using.

05-7-2013, 11:18 PM
And inthe end, I think that's a feature not many people will end up using.

I don't know about that, having the ability to edit a comment seems like it would be a useful feature. As it stands now, if you screw up when you post something, you really can't do anything about it, except for perhaps posting another comment making the correction (and asking for them to ignore what you wrote before). Unless it is your own profile, you cannot delete your comments either, so you are sort of forced to post multiple times and unnecessarily clutter people's profiles, instead of just making a quick edit.

I wouldn't think this feature would be as necessary if we had the ability to delete comments we made, and just repost them again with the edit(s) appended. Since we cannot do that though, I wouldn't mind seeing some sort of quick edit feature.

05-8-2013, 12:06 AM
Pretty much what foxfire said is a more detailed explanation of why I would want it so thanks for the support. And on Final Fantasy Shrine Forums; the other site I'm active on, you can edit your comments on other people's profiles, so other sites besides facebook have the edit feature too. Backloggery also lets you edit your comments on other's profiles.

05-13-2013, 10:52 PM
Five days late, but if it included "edited" after editing.

05-14-2013, 12:10 AM
Well, seeing as it hasn't happened yet, it's not too late to add on to this feature. :P