View Full Version : Permission for my new song Pulsar

12-22-2008, 12:14 AM
I'm always letting people know when I have a new song up. I made a song called Pulsar, which may actually be possible to make a fun file (although it would be difficult). Here's a YouTube video, I won't put up a download link until I receive proper feedback (i.e. opinions on the music, etc.).


I'm making a new song tomorrow for FFR (meaning it should be steppable).

12-22-2008, 03:35 AM
People should hurry up and step your songs.

I'm happy when you add new songs to your Myspace/Youtube. :3

Keep up the great work!

12-22-2008, 11:14 PM
Very nice fast trance song man. To be honest I didn't like the chord progression you used, it's been done way too many times. Although I did love that transposition you did 2/3's into the song.

My main complaint is that there wasn't a distinct melody or climax. Everything just seemed intense the whole time. Also the ending was kind of weak.

Would this be borderline Goa Trance by the way?

My music style is sometimes repetitive, and I guess it rests a bit on Goa lol. Sorry about the weak spots in my song, I've only been making music since July. I've just finished my remix of David Guetta's "The World is Mine", maybe that will be better for FFR than Pulsar.

I'll post up the new song in a new thread for people to see I have a new song instead of thinking it's an update on Pulsar.