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Posted on: June 6, 2007, at 08:21:34pm

As of 6/6/7, I, concertm, retire from FFR. There are so many reasons why I must, and not enough reasons why I shouldn't, so I think it would be best for me to do so.

This doesn't mean I'll never show up on FFR again, once in a while I'll pop up on MP and various places. But I am no longer to seek any more gain in skill on FFR, nor will I spend much free time on it. Up until now, I've spent about 50% of my free time on FFR, the other 50% on SM. Now, it'll be more like 5% FFR, 45% SM, and the other 50% for the activity I've chosen to replace FFR. This activity will help me in the long run in so many ways, so I don't think it's possible for me to regret this. Most likely, SM may also phase out of my life, but that will take much longer, several months, maybe a year or 2 more.

Why am I leaving? Well, I no longer feel wanted or needed on the site. It seems my current buddies/friends have plenty of other company, so my absence probably won't mean much to them anyways. Things started to turn into hell for me when I became a subscriber. My skill actually suffered due to the speed mods, and even now, I feel like I've reached or am nearing a plateau for FFR. There's only so much I can screencut, and the more I do, the more my comboing ability suffers, a price to pay for a boost in PA.

I've also seen my steadily increase of obsession in the game, spending more and more time trying to catch up to my buddies, just to watch me fall further back. This obsession has grown out of control, making me even lazier than I already am, neglecting my studies.

Then there's the age factor. I'm just appalled by the immaturity I see on FFR everyday. But this is something I should expect, considering the majority of the players are under 16. I'm turning 21 next month, I need stop letting this immaturity brush on me. I need to get a life and grow as an adult.

Goodbye FFR and everyone, I'll pop up from time to time, but you no longer control my life.

  1. We'll miss you, but I personally respect your decision. =P

    Good luck with whatever else you plan to do, and don't let another game block out your studies. xD

    If you're on MP tho', make sure you say hi! ;D

  2. You are wanted. There are people out there like TC that want you. Try meeting the new TC members. They'll change your life. Well, see you when I see you, TC_princ.